Sherri’s Inspiration Book List:
Hello Shapers,
This page is filled with the books that have inspired me on my personal journey to wellness. I’m always seeking knowledge about fitness and health and these books contain information about how nutrition is an integral part of health.
Here are the books that have spoken to me that I recommend for you to read and form your own opinion on fueling your health.
These are in the order that I read them over the years from top to bottom:
The Great American Detox Diet By Alex Jamieson
This is a great introduction to what’s wrong with the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.)
The Naturopathic Way By Christopher Vasey
He describes the philosophy behind Naturopathic medicine and what it means to have your body in an acid-alkaline balance. This is also a great introduction to understanding how all of the systems of the body work together. If one is out of balance so are the others. This means you cannot spot treat illness, you have to treat the whole body.
Skinny Bitch By Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin
This book takes a harsh look at our meat industry and makes a compelling argument for Veganism. There are some images from this book that never leave me. It is a major part of the reason why I was a vegetarian for 5 years.
The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, Ph D.
A 20 year study of nutrition from around the world. Extremely interesting findings.
The World is Fat By Barry Popkin
The obesity epidemic is not central to the United States. This book explores why.
Quantum Wellness By Kathy Freston
This book touts a vegetarian diet and explores how other factors, like environment, also effect our health and well-being.
The G-free Diet: A Gluten-Free Survival Guide By Elisabeth Hasselbeck
This book illuminates what it is like to discover that you have celiac disease and also ways to make that diagnosis easier to handle.
The Wahls Protocol By Dr. Terry Wahls
This was written by an M.D. who reversed her symptoms of M.S. from being in a wheelchair on prescription medication to walking and biking without any medication through a diet, exercise and lifestyle change. These healing principles can be applied to heal those suffering from ailments that range from autoimmune diseases to cancer.
Detox for Women By Natalia Rose
Natalia’s program is cleansing the body through diet to remove the toxins in our cells and keep the body running efficiently. These processes are also an effort to find healing. Just like The Wahls Protocol above, this is a lifestyle shift toward wellness rather than a diet.
The Honest Life By Jessica Alba
Ms. Alba explains what led her to detox her life from certain chemicals. She implements this lifestyle shift through the food she eats as well as the products she uses. These include home cleaning products, as well as self care products like shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste, and even makeup and makeup remover. I found the Chapters about home furnishing and paint enlightening. And I like that her approach is aware of her environmental impact. Her suggestions are also an effort make a more sustainable way of life.
Clean Gut By Alejandro Junger, M.D.
Dr. Junger’s program will help you determine potential food allergies and also help to repair and rebuild the gut by removing items that may irritate it as well as supplementing with items that will heal it.
The Elimination Diet By Alissa Segersten and Tom Malterre, M.S., C.N.
This book will lead you through a step by step elimination diet to determine your food allergies. Not only that, but it will provide recipes to keep you on track along the way. It will be very helpful if you are trying to find out what you are allergice too, as it may be more than one food item.
Food and Healing By Annemarie Colbin
This book approaches and explores food from many different points of view. These include macrobiotics, a more western, scientific approach, Ayurvedic philosophies, and the Chinese 5 phase theory just to name a few. It illuminates that not any one way of thinking or eating is going to be the perfect fit for every person. We all come from varied backgrounds and all need different ways of fueling our bodies for optimal health. Worth a read if you have been on the roller coaster of many diet plans and are tired of the confusion.
In Defense of Food By Michael Pollan
Michael encourages us to get back to our roots and eat food that makes us feel well. Consider your ecological footprint as well as your social relationship to food among other things. He puts things in a way that makes them seem much more clear. Take a read and you’ll see what I mean.
Perfect Health By Deepak Chopra
This is a perfect introduction into the world of Ayurvedic Medicine and healing. If you have ever been interested in Ayurveda, but didn’t know where to begin, this is the read for you.
I will likely continue to add to this list and I hope you do too.
Happy reading and I wish you much success on your journey to enlightenment!