5 Simple Ways to Go GREEN

By |2020-11-15T14:16:48-05:00April 21st, 2017|Healthy Lifestyle Tips, Healthy Tips, Lifestyle|

5 Simple Ways to GO GREEN on EARTH DAY!!! By Emily Shaffer It's Earth Day!  So, in honor of our home planet - let's adopt 5 new habits to shrink our negative impact on this big beautiful rock that gives us life every single day.  Some simple changes can make a huge difference if [...]

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Eating Green

By |2016-12-19T08:57:54-05:00March 12th, 2015|Healthy Tips, How to Build a Healthy Plate|

“Eating Green” I’m obviously very concerned about nutrition and health and as such am very invested in the health of my close family. A question I find myself asking my loved ones pretty much every time we talk is: “DID YOU EAT GREEN TODAY?” All this means is: Please tell me what you ate that [...]

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