“Bareburger Ordering”


So there’s this restaurant in my “hood” called Bareburger.  If you haven’t heard of it, you will soon!  It’s a burger place known for organic, locally sourced meat and vegetables, beer, etc.

It’s a great place to eat for vegetarians and omnivores alike.

I choose to write about it this week because, they introduced me to the “Collard Wrap”.

Now I had heard about THE collard wrap, and was curious, but never ventured to try it until I saw it on the Bareburger menu.

My husband had heard good feedback about it, so I thought I’d give it a go.  There I went:

The order:  Turkey burger with romaine lettuce, tomato, onion, and ketchup in a collard wrap.

The result: Delicious!  I definitely recommend ordering it this way.

The Romaine gave me the crunchy texture I was looking for from the outside of a roll and the burger is delicious in and of itself.  Pair that with a warm, blanched collard wrap and it was divinely MOIST, (something you CANNOT get from a ROLL without butter, dressings, and added calories).  It was a very pleasant experience.  Such a pleasant experience that I have ordered it almost every time since the original introduction.  I only alternate this with Bareburger’s Kale salad with Turkey burger, bacon, and my usual lemon dressing.

If the patty is seasoned well, and these are, I never miss the bread.  I promise you will feel totally satisfied with this burger “bun” alternative and I hope other restaurants jump onboard quickly.

Give it a try!

Additionally, I can’t wait to try this at home.  I have to say I think the blanching of the collard makes the difference. It’s nice to have a warm wrap around a warm burger.

Let me know what you think.  Did you try it? Will you try to make your own?