“Sweet Fix”


Hey Shapers,

Today’s tip is a quick one:

When I’m in desperate need of a sweet fix, I always have a stash of FROZEN BERRIES in the freezer.  Any combo will do (ex. Mixed berries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries).

All I do is grab a spoon and open the freezer bag and go to town.  It’s a perfect solution to any sweet tooth.  My husband loves it too!

You can freeze the berries yourself from your summer bounty or buy the organic, frozen ones found in the freezer section of your grocery store.

Another great way to enjoy the berries are to put them in a sauce pan and heat up.  That’s it!  No need to add anything to them.  They are perfect just the way they are.

Here’s an example: Let’s say you warm up frozen blueberries.  The juice from the actual blueberries in the bag becomes a syrup and it tastes like blueberry pie filling!  No need for sugar and you don’t need the crust either.  It’s a perfect sweet treat.

Fresh (rather than frozen) berries are a great fix too.  However, you don’t get the natural syrup for the heated version.  And, during Northeast winters, “fresh” store-bought berries are never that fresh, as they are out of season and have to be imported.  Additionally, if you do decide to buy this imported “fresh” variety, they cost a ton.  With the frozen version, it’s the same price, for fresher and better tasting berries.  And the frozen variety are at your fingertips anytime you need them.  They’re just sitting in the freezer waiting to rescue you the next time you have a craving for some high calorie sweet snack.

Good luck and Happy snacking!  What are your favorite berries?

I think it’s better than pie, do you?

Do you like them warm or cold? Or both?

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