“That’s It Snack”


This is a great snack for kiddos as well as for adults in a pinch.  I discovered these food bars at a Starbucks prior to teaching my fitness classes one morning.  It’s a snack I can get behind as all it contains is apples and blueberries.  That’s It!  No guilt or regret with these puppies.

They’re gluten free, non GMO verified, Vegan, Raw, Kosher… And the perfect mid morning snack.

It’s nice to know there are healthy snacks at Starbucks if you are stuck and that’s the ONLY place to eat. (I’m thinking about the airport..shiver).  Alternately, you can buy these goodies on Amazon.com.  Then you can ALWAYS be prepared when hunger strikes and carry them with you in your purse or bag!

Happy snacking and let me know what you think!